The Hartford's Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance provides additional coverage beyond standard life insurance policies, specifically addressing accidental death or severe injury scenarios. In the unfortunate event of an accidental death, this policy offers a financial benefit to the designated beneficiaries. 
Moreover, if an insured individual suffers a covered accident resulting in dismemberment, such as loss of limbs or sight, the policy provides compensation based on the severity of the injury.
The costs for AD&D insurance typically vary based on several factors, including the coverage amount, an individual's age, occupation, health status, and the chosen level of coverage. Premiums for this policy are usually quite affordable due to the more specific circumstances required for it to pay out compared to standard life insurance.​​​​​​​
It's essential for individuals considering this coverage to carefully review the policy details and limitations to understand the specific accidents covered and the corresponding benefits provided. Employees can refer to policy documentation or reach out to The Hartford's customer service for detailed information on coverage options and associated costs tailored to their circumstances.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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